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TG Peer Associates Limited

Specialist peer support services for transgendered individuals and families. Working towards community inclusion by providing social and emotional support for a marginalised group, and education for the wider community. Following on from setting up a successful self supporting peer support group for trans folk and partners, which has been running since October 2010. With a minimum of 25 attendees per group and over 160 trans individual contacts since the start of the group, it was identified that there is a glaring gap in support services outside of the medical model. The new WPATH international transgender treatment guidelines recommend family support as an essential part of the transition process as family breakdown rates are significantly higher amongst families with a transgender member. Suicide rates are also significantly higher amongst trans individuals per capita of population. Unemployment rates are also higher, as are incidences of mental ill health and distress. This support is given on a purely voluntary basis and support is needed to continue this. Thank you for choosing us as every penny goes towards helping someone. Find out more

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